Fighting style suggestion: Molten leg

Visually similar to sanji’s Diable jambe

Requirements: Master rank in Iron leg and thermo fist

Combination of both, slightly lower damage than iron leg, but makes up for it with DOT & speed boost

Heat bar similar to thermo, but with no heat it acts like normal iron leg

i might make better art if i feel like it

iron leg and fire warlock definitely isn’t the same thing as this

I forgo warlocks existed :skull:

still want it tho mostly because it would look cool

instead let’s get rokushiki added…

Being honest, It’d be better to just give Berserker the ability to combine styles after their 2nd awakening. Seeing as they don’t really get anything out of their second style currently


there’s a reason why you need suggestor to post in suggestions

now please never post any cringe anime references again

I second this since sanji is the reason I can’t use a fire/iron leg warlock

actually i just wanted it cuz i thought weapon imbuement would look cool :skull: