Whenever you max out a file, and start another one on your account, the level requirement for continuing the storyline at certain parts should either be reduced or gotten rid of completely.
I get that Vetex has these in place so that player’s can enjoy the game by actually doing quests, exploring, cargo, fishing, etc instead of just rushing through the story, but that should only be an incentive for those whom have never played the game before.
Once you’ve finished a file and start a new one, you would’ve already done all of those things previously, and having to redo it all for every single file you make gets repetitive (especially if you have 6 files with the gamepass).
There should be more freedom for experienced players on how they want to progress the storyline, regardless of if their character is strong enough. If they’re significantly underleveled for a boss, so be it, let them have the extra challenge!
lowering level requirements could have issues; quests that are usually available to level up between storyline gaps won’t be available, and for certain story events, if you’re underpowered there is no way to go back and get stronger or get better gear (looking at you, calvus) which would just cause more frustration.
That would be their problem to deal with. Remember, it’s optional for if they want to go in underleveled or not, and having a lack of quests is simply just a consequence of such. If they don’t want that, and want to instead take the game slow and overlevel, then that’s their choice.
Also, they really need to add a way to leave during the Calvus fight. Vetex added one in for Elius, so I’m not sure why he didn’t add one for Calvus too
personally I don’t think there should be a level requirement for anything in the story at all, if someone is talented enough to do calvus at level 70 then why not let them
this is a good alternative if vetex wants to keep a more streamlined experience for first playthroughs. leveling files with kai cheese gone is beyond obnoxious, this would be real nice as you can play at your own pace.
one big issue I see this causing though: late game story objectives give a lot of xp. I could see players who run through the story fast enough getting to 119 in <4 hours, which is a ban and forces the file to be deleted. something about that system would have to change if this was added. aside from that, seems perfectly reasonable.
Btw you can just jump out the front door onto the roof, then run into the ocean from there.
It still does suck that you can’t just walk out the front gate which was my first reaction after dying to calvus and left me bewildered. But I guess it would make sense since we did just escape from prison.