File suddenly got deleted

I was playing normally, then I switch server. everything was fine at first, my file was still there. as soon as I log in, my level and crowns got wiped. I thought it was a bug or something so I rejoin the game then my file is gone

How quickly did you rejoin the game?

Around 10 second I believe

Try waiting longer from now on.
There’s sadly nothing that can be done to fix this glitch, as it’s caused by both the main save and backup save being corrupted.

What I don’t understand about this bug though how/why ALL saves get erased instead of just the one you were using.

Alright then. Also that is my only file so that explain that

vetex implemented some additional counter measures for this but seeing as it’s still happening it’s unfixable, but it happens rarely now at least :confused:

We honest to christ need a permanent solution to this issue, rather it be like a secondary read-only save that only gets written to once per day and can be reloaded in the event of a file going blank or something else like having servers store a backup that can be restored at the players leisure.

same, I was thinking of like a backup of a backup that updates 1 day after the first backup, that way if the original file and the backup get corrupted, there will still be a way to get the data back.

not all of it, but 99% of it at least