Finally, 6 Headless Heads (now 8)

But Headless Heads will eventually be “rare af” too, and primordial/lost scrolls will always be available even if they are very rare.

Depends on how lucky you get.
It could take you 3 hours or 2 days.
If the rng gods bless you you could get extremely lucky and only have to do the minimum amount of quest, fishing and opening chests.

I don’t even know what to say

fishing are the hardest one for me
I have many save with the quest or chest completed with fishing being to 2 or none
I only have 1 save with headless sadly

I got lucky on my main and bought a couple of HW items people sold to npcs before it was patched.


@Meta I remember you saying you would do that but I thought you were joking lol. I didn’t know you were actually going to do it pog

I really can’t understand how people find rare cosmetics worth actual in game stuff that dose stuff

I’m deaad :rofl:

Im only using one file for the rest of the game

I’ve done a mad thing and obtained a grand total of 8 Headless Heads.

oh no did the event end??? i haven’t played for several days and i didnt realize

what the fuck meta
I thought you were already scary enough for doing everything in vesteria
but this is just terrifying

am i supposed to be impressed or scared

for me it took around 4-6 hours

How long did it take for one and wow

It all depends on luck bc for me to get one it took 2hrs total time had to split it up school and hw take up most of my life. luck as in how many Apprentice quests you can get or how many times to fish for multiple. PS took 10 mins for all chests.