Finally, 6 Headless Heads (now 8)

Wonder if anyone else has done this already or is planning to do this.

I might go for 3 more on my alt ngl.

EDIT: Actually maxed out and did the event on my two alt slots in a single day. Pog. Never doing this again.


Meta I’ll trade for your Heads with sunken swords, and most likely strong ones.


Nah, I’ll keep 'em for a while as I do with all my other seasonals. Will only trade once it becomes very worth it (like MULTIPLE primordial/lost scrolls worth). At this point, Sunken Sword is eh to me.

Aw ok. That’s fine. Only need to wait 4 months :smirk::smirk:


Naw that’s smart (๑ↀᆺↀ๑)✧

Haven’t even started :sunglasses:

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It looks like they supported french monarchy!


k but how do you get them on the same account? I got all the event items on my second file and didn’t get a headless head. They’re not tradeable (that I know of) so how did you do it?

Once you get the halloween badge, you cannot get more heads. However, if you go into your roblox account and delete the badge from your inventory, you can get more heads.

ah, thought that was the case but too scared to try out. Excuse me for a second

Wait, WHAT? So, if I delete the badge, rejoin the server, I’ll get another headless head!?!?

I am pretty sure it’s still only one per file, but, idk

Do you still get another head if you delete the badge but collect another halloween item on the slot that already collected everything?

I don’t know but I do know that if go on another file, delete the badge, and get all the items, you get the headless head.

how long atleast to get a headless for 1 file?

off with their heads

Lol multiple primordial/lost scrolls worth?You joking?Those are gonna be like rare af


no heads?