Finally decided to join the forums

From what did u get a burn out tough

I’m getting the hammer from the garage stay in the kitchen I’ll brb

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Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay!

Alright now it’s time to break holes in the walls.


Welcome to the forums, I desperately hope that you somehow or another enjoy your stay.

It wasn’t, isn’t and never will be time to interact with other people waiting for AO. The Forums are full of oddities like @OLEG, the Forums Party discord server is cursed, and Vetcord has most of the same odditie as the forums.

Yes, of course there is. However, it wouldn’t be any fun if you found on the same day as your first post. I’ll let you have no clue what you have signed up for.

You will when you reach TL3.


I recommend that you don’t, but you might like it here if you enjoy the oddities that reside here on the AO Forums.

check this if you wanna stalk the trello and other leaks

@AMultiversalEntity Bro is talking as if there are 101 unspoken rules of the Forums… What the hell have I got myself into? I’m genuinely starting to get concerned now…

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dont worry about it, you are welcome here :nod: :+1:
most of the rules are pretty obvious

looking at you, ezia

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I have heard about that guy even before I joined the forums. He is the only weird forum member I actually know a bit about. I have no idea about the rest of them though

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Welcome to the forums :clap:

I feel like I made an awful mistake.

there was also mr bomb and mr meth

Don’t worry, almost everyone feels that way once they join

This is deadass overreacting


I was just trying to scare away the newcomer.

I was over exaggerating, but you still have no idea what you’ve walked into though, and the forums does have some unspoken rules (like not performing the ancient ritual that only ThatOneGuy can perform).

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@AMultiversalEntity By ancient ritual you must mean this I assume?

welcome to the forums. I’m the dragon fanatic that lairs here. Nice to meet you.

You’ll understand soon enough

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