Finally got an account

hi, my name is ava

I’ve been on the forums for months, not using an account, just reading through everything on my laptop during school when I’m bored. Just recently decided to get my account back up

I don’t really have anything else to say except I’ll be making a huge post in the clan section (can’t say a date because I will forget everything knowing myself), mostly talking about how it is having a huge clan and being a leader while also talking about some other stuff

I’ll most likely only be active on the forums during school/weekdays (that is if I dare say anything)

@Dudeman initiate them :smiling_imp:

@l1on_heardt this is ur forum initiation, brace urself :smiling_imp:

Also what’s the name of the clan?

Oh shit… :scream:

(clan name will be hidden until I make the post)

why is that emoji like that it’s so wacky :sob:

oh brother this guy again /j


Hey look a new feller!
Do you know how to remove a M:3 Cat-Inator Brain Chip implanted by cat ears?

BRO NOBODY CARES ABOUT M3CATINATER BRAIN CHIP you aren’t funny stop it I’m tired of hearing about it

Hello and welcome to the forums, we’re glad to have you!

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hi and btw don’t trust deron he killed my son

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deron cannot be trusted fr
also if anybody calls you a “rb1 alt” they’re just joking

:fr: :frcryin: :frhigh: :frpensive: :frsleepin: :hungry: :mariomug: :nod: :sleeper: :poggerfish: :st1: :st2: :st3:

also don’t trust der0n ask anyone

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YO SEE someone else said that I promise I didn’t see this post

Stop stalking me using the forums then

how it feels to



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Actually… We Don’t trust optie :smiling_imp: :nod:

Vro @Dudeman 's job :sob: !

welcome to purgatory

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nobody trusts you pal