Finding out a rough estimate of Verdies height

Uhh so I try out how to find out Plasma Captain Verdies height. This maybe also scuffed since this is not official and I’m heavily getting all sources from the Arcane Adventures webcomic by Trollus. By the way I am also going to round all the numbers and not be too specific.

So Verdies is in lore is about 1/16th of Vastus and is pretty huge in game, but I always wondered what his true height (or an estimate) was. So today we are figuring it out!

Some pieces:

Now as you see here, Juniper roughly reaches Verdies’ crotch area and Juniper is 5’10 or 178cm. Using this we can see that Verdies is stupidly large. So to calculate his height I stacked 2 Junipers or doubled Junipers height which would reach his chest and be 356cm or 11’ high. But this still does not fully reach his height. So I decided to half Junipers height and stack it on the other Junipers which would equal around 450cm or 15 feet or about 2 and half Junipers tall.

Ok yeah, that Verdies height, this is all rounded numbers and you can do more maths and add yada yada yada. The reason I did this is for an OC ok bye.


calculate him using average sizes of something in AA/AR compared to verdies if you want it to be accurate

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wait so pure vastus were like 72m high ? god dman

They were around 64x taller than the average human

so, basically
a Vastus was a stack of human

Lots of stacks

its a minecraft joke. one vastus is a stack of humans. A stack is 64.

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