Fine, I'll Do It Myself

the artist recruiters are taking too long. requests are backing up, new artists are scarce. headless gave me special permission to handle everything myself

i’m assuming direct control

i’ll be responding to requests myself from now on, or at least the artist recruiters wake up. let them sleep as long as they want, sleep is good and very very healthy! but not for me. not until that request heading has a big fat 0


Soon I shall apply

Here’s the Confidant progress (I’m a little further than this and fixed some anatomy). I will be cleaning the line art lol.


That’s a… concerning expression

the face of true beauty

The submissions must be WoM related btw

Strictly WoM? (No Arcane?)

20 characters

Well, anything that has to do with the arcane universe. AA does count

Okay, then hopefully the upcoming thing works (it’s Juniper’s Confidants like in P5, so it’s related to the Webcomic).

Averill do be looking nice with this I guess Persona style theme?

Yup. Such crisp ab definition.

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easy as pie! (i dont eat pie)

if you got in, good job now you can post in the art forum
if you got rejected, it was most likely because of some issue such as

A. insufficient submissions - you need 3
B. unrelated art - your art piece may look amazing, but it might have absolutely NOTHING to do with the AA universe
C. lost request - for some reason i might’ve been unable to find your submission request, lost forever in the labyrinth of this forum system (trust me, i’ve looked)

just because you got rejected doesn’t mean its over, you can resubmit as many times as you want! hopefully by then the artist recruiters will wake up from their hibernation

Your character is so cute, i’m trying my best to make a cute character as yours

Speaking of characters, I need to practice drawing them

If I submitted just the Confidant thing and it had 3 (or more) other characters would that work as three submissions or should I wait until I have three entirely separate pieces?

I will shall apply when I understand all the fundamental correctly

I only can draw face and I have to learn body anatomy

I do mostly gfx or anything about 3D modelling idk if that apply

That a great smile…