Fire Conjurer?

I wanna make a fire conjurer build. Is it a good magic for conjurer??? Thoughts?

It’s better than warrior

@Flayire runs a fire conjurer

fire conj is pretty good, friend of mine ran it w SS sabre and something else.

Even if Fire Conjurer isn’t the meta, it looks awesome


you have a flaming fucking sword at any time you please after awakening

You have to work with it a bit. Never rely on DoT for the damage in pvp (burn sucks against players), so use one-hit weapons like musket to really abuse the synergy. Have 80 power minimum, tempered on your weapons, and use gels, which allows you to compensate for the low damage multiplier fire has and focus more on defense. Fire Conjurer isn’t bad but it isn’t meta either, so just keep that in mind. I can regularly dish out 200-300 damage with good aim.

that one pic with ferno is lit

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try it out for a bit and if its fun then go with it

dont force yourself to not have fun

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