Firestorm Part 1 Ep 3

Episode 3 of Firestorm.

Brief summary of previous events:
A mysterious gray wizard orders a group of bandits to attack a nearby caravan. The caravan is saved by the brave actions of Kyle Auburn, an apprentice wizard training in Summer Hold. While he is being rewarded by the King, Summer Hold is attacked by a dozen wizards, while the bandits, having been captured, escape. The King and Lamorak Booth, a Vistarian wizard and an advisor to the King, defeat the attackers, but the bandits escape.

As in agreement with general consensus, the episodes will now be in a separate document each time.
Link: Firestorm Part One Ep 3 by Danny Zou - PDF Archive

Next episode can be found here: Firestorm Part 1 Ep 4
Previous episode: Firestorm Part 1 Ep 2