First Official Arcane Odyssey Art Competition

Aight, you know I be asking for Sunken Warrior Helmet, Sunken Iron Helmet, Sunken Warrior Leggins, and Sunken Iron Chestpiece.
Boutta complete my set.

3 headlesses >:)

500 headless

Do weapons technically count as accessories? :3
They are worn on the character after all

While this doesn’t affect me in the slightest, might we know of the qualification of said judges?
I’ve seen many such contests fail due to their jury’s lack of ability.
(also, please for the love of art, don’t let a group of 13~19 years old with bare-minimum levels of culture and art related knowledge vote for such a big thing)

On a more positive note, I can’t wait to see everything that’ll spawn from this.

Welp, time to lock in for 2 weeks. Goodbye sweet sunlight…

My 90 something days of constant art training will come in handy for this.

I’m about to cook like Gordon Ramsey.

curious question, can the artworks be partially tweened/animated, or do they have to remain a static piece

500 old boots

Wondering that too, since the winner becomes the server’s banner, and the banner can be animated

gonna lock in after i finish a comm

Same, I also gotta finish something up first.

YES YES Ye- I mean duh uh i said nothing
(i’m in gravy i wouldn’t even be able to equip them :sob: :sob: :sob:)

Not 100% solid list right now but it’d probably be vetex, tech, me, astral, and tobi

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No, things that go in an accessory slot

I don’t see why not but we’d be using a still frame for the banners and stuff so if its something that wouldn’t look ok as a still then it might not be the best idea. Not sure what you were going for

CAN we ask for seasonals?

He did say no, but I feel like that’s bull.
Nobody had a chance to get the darned halloween seasonals, and many less actually did it.

Given they aren’t obtainable anymore, no

(Obtainable Chestplate, Leggings, 3 Accessories with enchants of your choice)

My dreams of becoming an artist, winning the competition with a week of experience, and getting 3 headless’s have been crushed :pensive: