First Official Arcane Odyssey Art Competition

First Official Arcane Odyssey Art Competition.

Hello Everyone, I’m happy to announce that we are hosting the first AO Art Competition!

Submissions will be open for 2 weeks and will be closing on September 29th, 2024! You can enter the competition by posting your art in Art with the contest tag.

Alternatively you could post it on twitter and mention the account *@_ArcaneOdyssey and include #AOArtContest in the post.

The usage of AI tools or tracing existing artwork for your creation will lead to disqualification. Additionally the usage of older artwork is discouraged as we want to promote the creativity of the community.

For this competition there isn’t any particular theme but it should be related to Arcane Odyssey in some way.

Now for the prizes!

First Place

You will receive 2500 R$ (Robux), the NEW Contest Winner Role on the Forums, and a full in-game item set of your choice (Obtainable Chestplate, Leggings, 3 Accessories with enchants of your choice) and your art as the Vetex’s Games Discord Server Banner until the next art contest.

Second Place

You will receive the NEW Finalist Role on the Forums, and a full in-game item set of your choice (Obtainable Chestplate, Leggings, 3 Accessories with enchants of your choice) and your art as the Vetex’s Games Discord Server Invite Banner until the next art contest.

Third Place

You will receive the NEW Finalist Role on the Forums, and a full in-game item set of your choice (Obtainable Chestplate, Leggings, 3 Accessories with enchants of your choice)

Make sure to join the Vetex Group on Roblox so you can be paid out immediately if you win (Roblox requires you to be in the group for a certain period of time before being eligible for payouts)

Good luck and if you have any questions about the contest please contact either myself or @techlevel80 (discord is preferred)


How do we submit our pieces?

(oh nvm I’m dumb)

It’s all gonna be furry art after today :100:

can we upload multiple pieces or just 1 piece with the contest tag

multiple is fine

Holy fork, an official competition!!!

Looks like it’s time to wake up and grind an art piece :0

So just… any art vaguely related to Arcane Odyssey? Anything?

So like… if I drew Iris riding a flying white eyes sailing straight for Ravenna, that would be fine, yes?

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I mean, no promises on anything, but…

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“There’s been a second white eyes-”

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“prince revon, a second amnesiac has killed your brother”

when are we gonna see the day where 1st place winners in item-contests gets to have their thought-out gear become part of the games loot-pools


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do yall just decide who wins or is there a vote

There’s going to be a panel of ~5 judges who will go through all of the submissions and whittle it down to 3 winners after the contest closes. You can “vote” by showing support to the art pieces you like with engagement for example: sharing, liking, and commenting on the posts. We’ll be looking at comments that people leave on the posts to help get an impression of what you guys (the community) think of the pieces.

… nevermind, I’m screwed.

Me after winning the art competition and asking for a image


Yeah cat ears are gonna end up added one way or another :100:

im gonna draw my AO OC fursona!!

Just to clear up the “item prizes” you’ll be able to ask for any existing obtainable items in-game. For example you could ask for sunken warrior set + blasted arcmancer hat and a frozen titanium helmet. The prize is not a custom armor set, nor can you get seasonals or other unobtainable items, sorry for the confusion!

But I want a soul orb :frowning: