First One To Answer The Question Correctly Wins 100K Galleons | Part 19

Building update is finally being worked on! Now, PvE clans has another reason to exist but this begs me to question though, what type of building system would arcane odyssey have?

If it has free building system where we are given assets to use and build similarly to roblox studio, then I would be expecting some beautiful builds and possibly give birth to another source of income in the game which are builders. If it’s similar to Rust, then I’m kinda gonna be disappointed considering that means we’re gonna have horrible builds. Overall, I’m excited to see how it turns out!

Reminder: If Vetex adds cat ears and tail, I’ll raise the prize from 100K to 200K.

What are all the things that we know could spawn on top of cacti?

Sun Caraway

Your answer is lacking :mariomug:

Prickly pear

Do answer them in one reply, also still lacking

Do answer them in one reply, also still lacking the correct answer

prickly pear/ sun caraway

Sunbloom egg
Prickly pear
Sun caraway

Sun caraway Prickly Pear and Cactus Egg?

prickly pear, suncaraway, sunbloom egg

Congrats, you got them all! Mind giving me your username?

Bro how you have so much money😭 My ao account so poor

you just awarded me yk then now you have another 100k

I might be the first guy to say this, but if its possible, double it and give it to the next person


I can do that, adding the 100K to the next one I mean, but like are you sure you don’t want it?

If that’s his choice, I can commend him for it and actually raise the reward on the next one to 200K temporarily.

I mean I almost have 40k in my character, 50k on my clan, 1.5million in inventory. It does not feel fair to get it, but yeah we double it :sunglasses:

Alrighty then, next one is temporarily raised to 200K
