First One To Answer The Question Correctly Wins 100K Galleons | Part 5

unless the introduction statement has an order or request about how to answer the question, or the question is literally about the statement, it’s just background knowledge, it can be helpful for answering the question, but it isn’t the question

e.g. the industrial revolution was a period in britain where production shifted from from creating goods by hand to using machines, resulting in a higher standard of living and multiple advancements in technology. what were the causes of the industrial revolution?

the introductory statement here just serves to give the reader background knowledge on what the question is about, the answer wouldn’t change if it was removed

since this topic’s statement doesn’t have any orders and the question itself doesn’t reference the statement, it’s technically completely unrelated to the answer i think

there’s 4: morden, neviro, rackham, and zaix

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