First time Fishing 😂 (Arcane Odyssey Clip)

What is going on :sob:

this truly is a first time fishing experience

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I didn’t even see it on stream because the way the camera was facing :joy: :rofl: I WAS LIKE WTH A SHARK?! LOL

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Bro I just wanted to fish peacefully in AO (first time) and during my second catch I saw some big angler fish and I was like “WTH”. That legendary fish I never cooked to this day I think and I use it as a flashlight cuz ya’know. Angler fish :sob:

Really aids the drip fr.
these things make drip better

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I didn’t know these were in the game! I’m definitely joining the angler fish flashlight following as soon as I get one myself :joy: :fire:

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They sadly don’t work as well it would usually “flicker”, light is either on or off but its a great deal to make it a flashlight instead of using a torch or a waist lantern :sob:

Anglerfishes are gold, even better if you got the golden version of it
(Angler fishes can only be obtained at night during fishing)

Join the anglerfish :pray:

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they DID NOT just diss my boy zoro like that :anger:

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Toasternuts on my KOS for that

LOL FR!! I was tilted a bit ngl :joy::joy::joy: That’s one of my long time viewers tho so I can’t get on them too much. It’s great to see some one piece fans here tho!!! I hope I get to talk to all the one piece lovers here. Peak manga fr :gorilla::fire:

mochi best fruit can’t tell me otherwise

The way Kat uses it fr :fire::fire::fire: love his character design and story. He’s carryin the big mom pirates IMO :joy:

yeah fr he is a one man army ngl

I’ll try best to grab it!!

Fr good luck :muscle:

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did you know that the big anglerfish that you see are all females? while the males are in a parasitic relationship where they turn themselves into an organ that drinks the female’s blood and fertilizes the eggs. if they can’t find a female anglerfish within a week they die. The males are also incredibly small

The deep ocean is great…

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Glad I’m not a male anglerfish



I love nature man!
not nature but sounds like it!!

NAH FR!! I’d be DEAD AF as a male anglerfish RN :joy::joy::joy:

We need more deep ocean fish in the game