First time posting an art, Tiki Night

After a few months had joined this forum, I finally made a decision to get the funny role :DD

Meet my MC, Tiki Night

Honestly, I never consider making a cute MC when I first time played AO. I plan to make self insert in the game(or a funny-looking troll lol)
But then I remember I have the saved file from WoM and goes with it because of the Halloween accessories.

I didn’t change the appearance early in my gameplay because didn’t have many galleons at those time and lazy to change, I’m more focused on the storyline.
But after I had finished the Bronze Sea storyline, I don’t have the heart to change her looks now.

In short, I’m stuck in my 13-years-old ahh main character and I find her cute yet at the same time so cringe but I can’t do anything about it other than just go with it :skull: :skull: :skull:

Edit: I forgot to post how she looks in-game




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Looks cute, although this opinion won’t be the same when it comes to ingame.

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awwwe she’s so cute ^^

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The artstyle

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yeah :DD


I know
I think there is once someone tries bounty hunt me because they hate my looks :skull:
I don’t know what even their problem is, like just let me enjoy the game bruh :skull: :skull:

LMAO what???

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now i’m curious if you have any other designs for her in mind.

not that she looks bad, just if you want to change her look up.

Cute :100:

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I’m probably going to change the looks after the Nimbus Sea comes out
to match the vibes of clothes with Nimbus Sea place :+1:

SHE;S SO CUTE… (about the cringe part… to be cringe is to be free i think you should embrace her for what she is now!)
so glad you got accepted into the artist forums and im very very excited to see what other works you have in store to show!

Aye welcome to the art gang. Cute oc

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She gives me komi vibe. So cute

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Very adorable smol bean, now draw ruby as tol bean and neomii as smol bean :rofl:

aw thank you everyone for the sweet comment


I like white hair Characters (probably Unremarkable as my pfp is a sketch)

Keep making gud art :+1:

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aaahhh so cutee

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She’s so precious omg!
I’d protect her with my life

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Who said i was nice w h e e z e

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