Fishdog heap of cringey sketches and drawing hell-pit

Random thought of the night. (I swear, why am I doing this?

We all know Fan children, do we?

Those “OC” that people make just for laughs and giggles. You know how almost fan children usually have pretty tragic or for absolutely no reason???

Like I swear, during my experience during in the internet. They always seemed to have those type of backstories.

Or I’m probably insane. Idk bro.

I mean, I did made some fan children, but instead of having a sad or having a cool personality. Why not give these OCs that are not cool at all.

Let’s say, I have a fan child OC of Edward Kenton,(as an example, I did not made a fan child OC for him and some other OC! I swear-) (I already did, but it was a joke OC-(.

Right? And uh. Since we all known he’s a pretty cool guy, does that mean that kid will constantly feel some pressure of trying to be like their parents? Like a constant feeling of stress or fear of not being good enough…?

In general, uhh. I have no idea what I talk about, but I think I just like giving my OC stress for the most natural things for laugh and giggles.

Idk bro, I just like how the brains and how people mentally work is interesting to me and I’m a very lonely idiot. :sleeper:.

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Never seen much Child ocs, tho yeah I do agree it’s a bit sadge that they’ll get tragic backstories. Like it would be nice to see just a happy family. But eh, I don’t know much bout this stuff

All I know is that Mei and Edward live happily ever after with 2 kids and they all live happy lives

Heck yeah, a nice slice of life feel good type whack. :nod: or maybe as a nice story of the struggle of life when growing I guess, I’m just heavily inspired by Bee and Puppycat.

(Also, mine telling me your two fan children, cause I’m bored :eyes:)

Oh snap guys! Wouldn’t you know it, Christmas is tomorrow or today?? Sorry y’all, I don’t celebrate Christmas that often. :frcryin:

But uh as a late Christmas gifts to all who stalk my hell hole. (That are barely AO related, but don’t worry! I have some little AO related sketch for a little surprise that I’m working on!)

So uh, here are my gifts that are dogwater. :fr:


I mean, they aren’t the best. But that will do I guess. Also, the first art is in fact some random Brony OC I made for laugh and giggles. (Becasue of that one post I made. And the other one, an old animation that I did and forgot to show. Whoops.

I mean uh, have a good Christmas I guess.


So, I was looking through the brushes that was in the art program I was using right and they have this weird graphite pen is literally label as nothing, at first I didn’t too much of it but uh, after soon realizing what I could possibly do. I then made this.

Man, never felt proud of using my brain. (Also learned how to use the lasso tool because I’m not smart.) :frcryin:

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What a cute lil puppycat

Hey y’all, wanna hear something funni? (It’s also going be used for my next piece of work!

The body learns how to decay.

And it ain’t going be Morden. Screw that emo fool.

@Bido You’re the one for blame,(as a joke). For making another biblical accurate Revon,(but not really, it’s him before he became that because I became too interested by your idea!!!)

*Angry idiot noise*


I can confirm I do be liking bibcally accurate revon :nod:

I have no idea where the heck I’m going with this one! :fire::fire:

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I don’t either and I’m scared

I just realised it’s not my first time on this post and I didn’t like smh :expressionless:

Guh, I forgot I had a hell hole here. :frcryin:

Don’t worry y’all, I ain’t dead, just gotten way too distracted by discord sooo. Enjoy this funni art of Arish, while using Ibis paint.