Fishing and Cooking Suggestions

Fishing and Cooking Suggestions
effort 0.0 0 quality 0.0 0 reasonability 0.0 0

i just felt like suggesting something and realized that cooking and fishing are both pretty fun. these won’t be major changes or additions, but just minor things that could add a little more luster to them.

i know not a lot of people will be actively rooting for these two (mostly) unused systems to have any changes, because the only reason people cook is for status effects and the only reason they fish is for luck potions or sunkens, but regardless, i’m sure a very small portion of the community would enjoy them.


Cooking doesn’t have anything wrong with it. I like the system a lot. I just wish we had some way to record recipes and (possibly) even name them. imagine a journal that had a GUI where you can “insert” a meal you made, and whatever ingredients you put in it would show, alongside the status effects and description whenever you hover over it (it would look something like “Food + Food + Food + Food = Meal”)

From there, you could probably press a little “edit” icon right above the meal, and name it so that whenever it’s made in the future, it’ll have that name, with your last name at the beginning, similar to how Weapons work (ex. Smith’s Sea King Delight)

also, the book itself (which you’d probably get from a sidequest) would have your name as well, being untradable (something like Bob Smith’s Recipe Book).

for a little more interactability, you could possibly “transfer” recipes into notes in your inventory, which you could then place onto the ground or trade. notes placed on the ground could be read like typical notes, but would also be able to be added into whoever’s reading it’s cookbook.

this would just breathe a little bit of life into the cooking system and it would be really nice to share named recipes with friends, even if it doesn’t technically supply any real gameplay value.


Slightly more relevent to actually giving proper gameplay, fishing should have a little more interactability or even customization. an idea that i just thought of was different rods that have extremely good stats, but at the cost of you needing to play a sort of minigame instead of spam clicking. (think Loomian Legacy’s fishing system for example.)

if that’s too much to implement for such a small feature, maybe more could be added to the lootpile of possible items. right now, all it is is (mostly) bad items, Sunken items, and fish. adding more possibilities while fishing might encourage people to do it more.

something like a pseudo-sunken item (less rare, but still usable as a weapon), some sort of new sunken chests that are like sealed chests (at a rare chance), or something similar.

i think it would also be funny if, at a very rare chance, you could accidentally pull up someone who happened to be diving around the area, leading to a small interaction, them giving you a parting gift (probably just a fish), and leaving. though like, very rare. probably 1/5000 just so the constant npc’s wouldn’t annoy people (so you’d get about 2 sunkens before this happens.)

if that’s added, PLEASE don’t add it to the patch notes. just let people find it out. it would be so much funnier that way.

these are all just small changes so people are slightly more inclined to fish, but also not making fishing too overpowered (like i said, any super good items would be rare, such as sunken chests.)

okay yapfest over

yeah idk nobody fishes anyway besides for sunkens so whatever. again, these are all relatively minor changes nobody’s gonna really care for anyway, but i’d appreciate them so… that counts for something, right?

it’d be nice to fish and not get nothing but… fish. and the occasional sunken element that ends up making me rich :moneybag:. 400 free galleons every time. hell yeah.

sharing recipes with random strangers would also be super fun. like notes, they’d have a cooldown (shared) so they aren’t spammed. i have enough performance issues already :sob:

okay that’s all thanks for reading my yapfest.


like what, battling the fish in turn-based combat?

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no, loomian legacy has this sort of “connect the dots” minigame when fishing prior to the battle.

though vetex adding an entire turn-based combat system just against whatever you catch would be kinda funny too. it’d be a nice reference to Adventure Stories, too, not that it’ll happen.

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play chess against the fish
higher rarity fish use stronger chess bots
while a southern cod or something uses Martin (no, not the atlantean, the chessbot from

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actually that sounds kinda neat too. and it’s like midway through the game too, so you have to pick up where the AI left off.

if chess is added to AO i will personally donate uh… 5 dollars to charity

The fish cant blink so youd be tripped up the entire game

Imo this is indeed nice, I feel like at least fishing is repetitive. Also, they would have to develop a new macro for fishing, so less macro users for the time being if this is added. Cookbooks definetly sound fun, lots of rpgs ive played(Zelda) dont actually have anything to remember the recipes.

yezzzzzz I am cracked at chess on

you must win the fish over in a discussion, and there’s an entire gameplay of Ace Attorney.

and if you, the prosecution, fail to convince the judge that the fish, the defendant, is indeed yours, then the fish is let free

also you get struck by lightning which deals damage equal to 100x the hunger that the fish gives when cooked with decent skill in normal pot

Zeus came back just to watch over all of your debates and absolutely murder you if you lose

you compete in a middle school mock trial. the fish is the defendant and must hire a fellow fish attorney. the fisher is the prosecuting attorney and is accusing the fish of being a potential danger to other smaller fish and murdering/eating them. your objective: convince the judge (Zeus) and jury (assortment of other fish) that the fish is guilty. If the judge and jury support your case then you win the fish. If they support the fish’s case then the fish gets to escape back into the water, gaining freedom in the arcane odyssey of a mock trial in this world of magic

if the judge and jury can’t come to a clear conclusion, the fisher will compete against the fish in a game of chess on - no stockfish chess engine allowed (sorry, chess cheaters :wink:)!

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fishing will never be changed vetex has said that fishing is meant to be a mindless experience for you to detach and click button


Still a chance for cooking…? Hopefully?

People don’t cook?

not for fun unfortunately

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