Fishing rod sounds priority change

Fishing rod sounds priority change
effort 2.333333333333333 3 quality 4.0 1 reasonability 4.5 4

Giving the rod sounds more priority over other sounds when fishing

This is more of a continuation to this suggestion that was proposed on march

Though the way they asked to fix this issue doesn’t really fix it at all when fishing in the dark sea due to overflow of multiple loud sounds near u it becomes almost impossible to hear the rod even if the sound was directly ontop of you with the “!” sign.

so my suggestion is to just make the rod’s sound higher in priority than all other sounds while also removing the sound from the bobber and adding them ontop of the player instead as previously suggested by Fish

pros : makes fishing in loud spots and anywhere in general less reliant on visual ques and ping (if u can’t hear the rod u are forced to stare at the screen for the visual que which may be delayed by lag)

cons : will probably help afk fishers (idk if they still exist)


Or you can just press the I button 5 times or increase the sound effect audio in settings.
and not fish from the top of a cliff
Besides, there is no way this is going to help with bad ping, since the clicks will still take a while to register anyways

It would just take time to add for something that doesn’t really do too much.

its not possible to fish in the dark sea for extended periods that last 2-3 hours cause of the ship’s hp in the insanity 1 range (either because u didn’t bring cargo or because of atlanthean ships) which would result in the fishing session being cut short unless u were fishing on the siren rock which has nothing but cliffs.
and iam pretty sure the sound effect audio settings also increases the sound of waves and lightning and such in the dark sea (which defeats the whole purpose of what u mentioned above as u still won’t be able to hear it)

sure it won’t fix the lag issue but saying its completely useless is absurd when 90% of the people playing don’t even know that this I button 5 times option exists. just cause there is a way to bypass it doesn’t mean it doesn’t require fixing
ty for ur input though :nod:

say what. What does the I button do and why is it a replacement for not having sound

lowkey got no idea (just heard of it when he mentioned it and assumed its a way to bypass sound not working)

zooms your camera in

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While i like this idea, i feel like the regular war seas bobbing effect just needs to be made more apparent, but you could easily just scroll in.
Dark Sea bobbing definetely needs a volume increase.


yes please

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