Five Years of Juniper (AA Webcomic Fanart)

HAPPY FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY TO THE AA WEBCOMIC BY THE GOAT @LittleShrekSheep YIPPEEEEE :man_dancing:!!! Thank you for the work you’ve put in during that time, it’s been a blast keeping up with Juniper and the gang for the past half a decade and I wanted to make something that would celebrate that journey (if anyone was curious yes I did get Sheep’s permission to use webcomic panels)

Clear version of the panel collage

I picked moments that I thought were important in Juniper’s life specifically (or that I just really liked), hence why there’s no Durza vs Arthur, Apollo’s death, the recent AG stuff, etc. Wish I could’ve put more but the canvas was already getting to 10000x4000 before I minimized it some :sob:

oh lawd she runnin

Sheep mentioned they’ll also be posting their own 5th anniversary celebration art so look forward to that! Also here’s a link to the webcomic in case anyone who hasn’t wants to check it out

Edit: Didn’t realize how much the forums compressed the image so here’s an imgur link that’ll hopefully be less crunchy and actual legible :frcryin: (also no clue why they put a mature warning??? I hate imgur but it’s the only image hosting website I can think of rn)


this is so epic! man, the webtoon has been going for 5 years that’s absolutely insane

cheers to trollus and juniper


holy mother of peak


Ngl we honestly need an Anime for this


Fr, I’d love to do it but I suck at drawing


the goat, littleshreksheep
only individual to have drawn morrock in all his beauty :drooling_face:


Absolutelyy gorgeous!! Gj!!

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thanks y’all! hopefully the image compression wasn’t too bad, I was hoping the forum wouldn’t crunch it too much but DANG did they shrink it

thanks! for real tho it’s been pretty consistent too which is absolutely bonkers considering sheep has a life outside of drawing and writing

seeing all the characters move and talk would be a dream come true

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thanks fellow webcomic enjoyer :sunglasses:

real asf

aw this warms my heart blue this is great! thank you! :tada:


hooray glad you like it sheep :partying_face:! the webcomic has given me no shortage of entertainment the past few years so it’s the least I could do :saluting_face:

insanely peak love this so much

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