Flag Lowering Ceremony at Tiananmen Square (Have a look if you wish)

I don’t have discord nitro so the file was too large for me to upload so I had to go to freaking youtube and anyways here are the three links (the first one was portrait not landscape, sorry)
Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Anyways here’s a bit of backstory.
Every sunrise in Tiananmen Square they raise the flag and every sunset they lower the flag. I’m too lazy to get up at sunrise, so I watched the flag lowering ceremony.
They do this every day by the way. (The people standing in front are the people’s armed police, basically the military police). This was recorded yesterday btw.



Are you even allowed to record in China? I thought they would be strict about that stuff, considering how they messed up their gps maps to the outside world.

Tiananmen Square? the place where on the 4th of June, 1989 a bunch of prote-

[The rest of this message has been blocked by the CCP]

Surprisingly, no. It’s a stereotype, and plus, it isn’t a military base. So yeah.

Oh ok, I just heard a couple of stories of people that visited there that they were kept an eye on there and was a bit worried, alongside the fact they intentionally make the international digital maps of China inaccurate.

I mean, they did ramp up security presence (i.e number of Police, security officers etc.)around places like these since the last time I visited. But yes you can still record. I’ll write about this in an overview of China when I get back to Australia. (It’s gotten to a point where kitchen knives, hammers, potato peelers and stuff like these aren’t sold anymore, out of fear of a violent unrest.)
But yes, recording is fine, and the digital maps thing is somewhat a lie as well.

That’s interesting event to see, usually with flag raising / lowering there’d be music to accompany the flag. The American flag for example plays “To the Colors” with their ceremonies.

Wait if you can’t buy kitchen knives anymore, how do you cook??!

Tiananmen you say? this is a very risky post, but thankfully i love china and nothing happened here

Yeah I thought they would to.
They do this daily. But then again I can’t think of any songs that fit, because all of China’s song revolves around “Arise”, which doesn’t make sense for a flag lowering ceremony.
They do put the national anthem when they raise the flag on October 1st every year though, as it’s the national day.

As with the kitchen knives thing, I’m sure there has to be a way, but judging from China’s youth, no one cooks anymore, everyone eats out, which is sad.

Nah it ain’t risking if it’s something good like the flag raising/lowering ceremony.