Flare: Alchemist's Journey's Beginning

I finna did it…

Too early


Thank you my lord.


Completely irrelevent to the post, when I hosted that “ball thing” game I’ve been thinking if I should just keep updating it more and more for the fun of it

the fact I made like two people in the game think it’s impossible only for sock to win and get riches off it was funny

They really quit gambling…

Anyways I might continously update the game and host it in different forms of it for rewards
the current state was your normal roll-a-ball mountain minigame event, I wanna see if I can make it harder over time while giving some ways to get past the obstacles while still completely making is challenging

the event for the rewards yesterday took four hours long for sock to win.

I rn got a lot more ideas for the game and it’s only just the beginning for that ball game :>
Even though I don’t know any coding nor roblox studio building just one hour of learning and learning from errors made me create this basic epic-games-like game.

What game are you talking about?

game link somewhere in there
I can’'t get it rn grah

Ship completed

I should post everything I got before nimbus sea yep.
in 2 ays or something!!

I’ve got an unholy amount of riches off this journey more than my other files :sob:

just guess what you think I got off these stats
even though nobody explores this topic gg.

114 ships sunk with potions?! Wow, dedication,!

Tbh that’s honestly a stat to ignore considering you can easily get that stat up through ur ship
realistically I got 0 loot from them goofy ships

Darn… FRAUD!!!

Those NPC kills are good thought, what would you say is your favorite potion now?

: (

I’d have to say blood potion
I can mess with the seas

other likable ones

Agility, Invisible, Revealing, Burning, frozen, etc

I see, how hard was getting reagents though… Especially at low level? Mustve been challenging lul

with merchant and stealing peoples trades I got easy reagents/catalysts

for low level
I was mainly focusing on using every reagent/catalyst I got since the length it takes to get potions during that time was horrendously slow

I got my reagents/catalysts up much more quickly at max level
but now Im rocking with this thanks to users like goopy, dreamkeeper’s team, etc and farming a lot of dark-seas

and some lit transferring

Youre really gonna brush off those 7 acrimonies?

they’re awfully easy to get rn

if that isn’t enough you should look at my inventory some day

And those prismatic geodes- youve fought atlanteans with just potions too? Jeez…

Easy- Well I must be out of the loop…

Atlanteans make me drain tf outta my potions if they blocking/dodging them :sob:
only if potions got a buff via giving it a weapon :fire:

The nimbus sea will NERF IT ALL…

May pristines blessing not drain.