Flare: Alchemist's Journey's Beginning


Is this seriously an image that has nothing on it? lol.

Should I lend myself more power and be able to use the siren bow?

(This is to finally activate the gels, in return for using the bow I will take massive drawback damage, why siren bow though and not old? (Drip) )

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  • No
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(I am not a knight build)

(with tier 3 harming with bow, I deal 72+ damage each shot)

If you are going to use gels, the best way of doing that is punching with basic combat since you are literally just using your hands in a normal manner

bow is better
more range
more attack speed
fits well with potions (minecraft)

though im still using bursting

Siren bow with drawback is a great way to remove your hp in ~4 seconds

i lost 600 hp in one click

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ngl I’d like a weapon that slingshots potions…

Test message rq

“No space left on device @ io_write - /var/www/discourse/public/uploads/default/original/3X/1/3/139687ee607313f0c94f4564351b5135f925a297.jpeg”

how do I fix this

the amount of wars I get into though gel with siren bow would be funny :frcryin:

Oml same, i got that issue too


oh my GYATS
getting bounty hunted global announcement…

also hi ruby!!
(saw u ingame :3)

Honestly I am starting to want a fist-style of a weapon that can do stuff with potions, like the weapon could be similar to the kabuto (one piece weapon) that sling-shots powers and actually scales on stats or something that’d be fun. (Potions will be used to make certain attacks like what bow did)

Or use a fist-style that can charge up the effects of what potions you drank (50% worse due to it being OP if it had 100% of it) like sailors fist

Would make using potions so much more fun

maybe a tool which works as a giant slingshot for potions (angry birds but when the bird hits it gives insanity 3)


LET HIM COOK!!!:speaking_head::speaking_head::speaking_head::fire::fire::fire:

Do I create a shop to get potions/reagents/catalysts
We making big deals to get richer off Reagents and Catalysts.
Apothecary calls forth, supernova.
I need real power now.

I’ll make this better…

is… it…

Custom bounty poster…

6 Sunken Sets…and 10 seasonals?

I don’t think this is a good idea.