Flare: Alchemist's Journey's Beginning

first interchange made…

using it for a friend and for warden upcoming


First real DS run




Wheres my sunken warrior then…

dawg is looking the gift horse in the mouth :sob:

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Everytime I go to DS I never get this many items

I gotta love how I did all of this as a potion only user… :worried:
level 1 bursting mf to level 125 sunken alchemist…

watch frieren beyond journey for extra luck while fishing…



whar that (i dont watch anime)

you should watch it (it’s good)

i dont watch anime but
holy shit


now get it to 3k

now make it angrier

now thrown 2,000,000 potions to get the “master alchemist” title the way arly got 2,000,000 cooking xp for the “master chef” title

I should trade my sunken staff
also I might go on a 100+ dark sealed…