Flare Lobotomy Corporation - The End (With Forumers)

I got into lobotomy corporation and now gotten basically good abnormality progress, enough to attempt a true ending run

but heres something I would do to get true ending, I will be using forumers as nuggets to S.C.P the wing

All Planned names

  • Anonymous users are subtracted from the list
  • You’re chosen to remove yourself from being part of the corporation
  • Message if you aren’t on the list

(If a forumer dies and the day continues, they will not be revived and I will attempt to play it seriously so I won’t legit just execute you on the spot unless it’s required)

Instead of playing with nuggets, I will be playing with forum names where if a forumer wants to customize their nugget if they get chosen, I will customize how they’ll look like depending on what they send me.

Meaning EGO gears can be taken by others if the forumer asks first and I have to forcefully give them the gear even if another agent is wearing/using it.

The process: (which each option is optional)
ignoring these selected categories I will just automatically give the customization

  • Appearance
  • Possible Stats
  • Ego Gear


Possible Twist:

I will be giving out polls which will change how I play the game, the highest choice will be executed within the facility so you could either make my life worse or better (Would lean towards neutral and horrible choices).

These choices could be something like:

  • Nameless Fetus[/spoiler] next to [spoiler]Whitenight

  • Decrease your lobs in your next day by minus 10
  • Increase a nugget’s justice by 10 (You choose the forumer)
  • Deleting EGO’s I have such as Aleph’s
  • Forced high tier ordeal on a day (Will only go up to few ordeals, any energy I receive from ordeals will be subtracted so I won’t gain any energy from the ordeals unless its the actual one that occurs

(Currrently locked to some ordeals, can not do dusk until legit quest completion, same with midnight ordeal)


Will Create Archive/Log Videos on the day count towards day 50

  • Every 5 - 10 days, full length recorded

  • C-Suppressions are Recorded

  • Major Suppressions are Recorded (Midnight Ordeal, Whitenight, Dusk Ordeals, etc)

  • Will post images in the topic (Blurred images if you don’t want to get spoiled)

Im gonna get screwed over
praying this topic inactive

Did I also mention I am using mods (Mainly utilization mods), will be running a mod that changes the facility by adding 2x abnormalities, aka I get all the abnormalities in the facility even though I’ve already gotten 95% of them. I will deal with horror more often due to having 96 abnormalities rather than 48, meaning I will have to deal with the hardest abnormalities all together.

All Logs/archives

Days 1-10


Days 11-20


Days 21-24


Days 26-28


Days 29-34


Days 34-35





Hes so genius for this :broken_heart:

All these mfs gonna make me put whitenight, blue star, and de capo next to nameless baby

I should get rid of the 2x abnormality mod or Im gonna actually not get through true ending


i’ll be bumping this sht up for as long as i remember its existence

for my appearance just medium long pink hair will do ( idk if you can customize eye color or not but if yes then make it red or yellow if possible )

stats are whatever

for EGO preferably scorched girl

this is non negotiable and anyone who wants to take it from me will have their balls snipped

Download every single abno mod in Nexus for more content

Will probably download abno mods
would be sad if I don’t get true ending gg!

this mimic is so ry :face_holding_back_tears:

lets go I was there


before I run the gauntlet in my next wake up

basically 1/4 chance of being a nugget
unless I get a mod that increases nuggets

If I somehow end up in there, make me look as bland and forgettable as physically possible, with the most average ego you have at the time. Nothing strong enough to be important, but not bad enough to be noticeable.

Oh I’m there too.

I can’t wait to join the mountain of smiling corpses

do I get to be a nugget because I was the very first to apply

give this man You’re Bald…

Nah, I’ll survive 50 days in lobotomy corporation


make it a gamble as to who gets overpowered gear out of all agents with the same stats

first one to get aleph ego gets sent to backwards clock!

Morden and who!?

If you do then I recommend the modded abnos from Zivono on nexus. They fit rather seamlessly with the vanilla abnos and they are pretty balanced in terms of gear and difficulty.

Aw I am in the list I wanted to be sent to the singing machine