Flare Lobotomy Corporation - The End (With Forumers)

ow the edge

The drip has the highest stats in the game idgaf about your opinion i need to be able to supress Alephs without a 90% casualty rating thank you very much.

did bongbong die…

long time ago

funnily enough people often call me a jinx because im unlucky and often gets into trouble

but at the same time is also lucky enough to get out of them mostly unaffected lol, guess this extend to character(s) based on me somehow ( well, they did die but like, nevermind that )

can you sacrifice me to revive her, i am willing

You died before you said that
I will gladly bring back Bongbong however

Its time to begin the trials

I’ll take crimsonpants with the facility as well if they’re there to see it

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i will be back, mark my word!!

what killed me anyway?


Anyways they’re back now

good enough, at least i have an excuse

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You got this

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nah that’s paradise lost

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What department do you want to be part of
May or may not tell if you died

Control Team!

For those that don’t know, I told flare to do this for a more canon ruina run


I forgot to record 49


heres out it went

pretty much easy throughout 1 - 4th qulitoph

When binah spawned

This what I did in order

  • Pretty much paused, killing somebody
  • Knocked down binah, activating phase 2
  • When binah got back up, paused again and used backwards clock killing one employee and retribution
  • Forgot to take somebody out of the shelter so facility was going mayhem
  • Rabbits clutched up and actually killed phase 3 binah after I failed to get all meltdowns done for phase 3
  • Got C rank and half of the entire facility died, 23/52 employees survived
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