Flare Lobotomy Corporation - The End (With Forumers)

Yeah I think the video itself was proof of that.
Clearly there is no problem that can’t be solved by you holding a sword with eyes on it.

I wonder if flare was more scared of having to use the entire facility’s white damage on me than of the fight itself

Having to use a large amount of your employees and also a slow bullet just to stop one person. It would normally be a situation of “good thing they are on our side” but at that moment you weren’t. It was also quite funny to watch clerks instantly die just due to your aura.

One more fun fact, this time about Twilight:

As most probably know, Twilight deals more damage the less health the holder has. Basically, flare could go gambling to speedrun the fight

But also considering that the attack with smile generally did about half your health, it probably wouldn’t be a good idea (unless it was the first two phases)

Given the fact that you have full twilight, it would be a bad day for everyone involved

Also from the chase when you were panicking, it is clear that you can become the fastest person even in different games

my uh special request to flare was to get as many movement speed ego gifts as possible

unfortunately that’s only amounted to 20, which I don’t think is even how much you get from der fritz’s pipe, but at least I’m still very fast

One of them is not like the others

28:24 of Geb Suppression:
Who is she fighting? Her schitzo abnos?

She found her secret rival: the regular mist

The great nugget migration of 2024

Anime Ending where all the protagonist’s friends come to help them, except the producers are really stretching the definition of “friend” for runtime

The power of friendship! (Even though 99% of the facility did nothing until near the end)

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I might begin the one sin duplication since im running out of abnos
or I can get nexus-abnos which would prolly kill me

All Midnight Ordeal Rush (Seperate Suppressions, All in One Day)
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ah shit they got to me
(what’s my ego gear?)

That’s Noise I think?


teth rarity gear
