Flare magic is a lot more deadly if it’s taken literally

If Flare magic is based off Solar flares, solar flares are bursts of radiation so Iris would just be blasted stupid amounts of radiation at you with each attack. And radiation poisoning is not fun.
Pretty sure flare magic is just hot fire

they’re also hotter than the core of the sun, reaching temperatures of up to 100 million kelvin

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magic is not whatever its element is. fire magic isnt actual fire


Iris has got to be the worst mage ever.

Failing to melt an oversized ice cube with THE SUN

but they are alike their element, meaning flare magic is still hot as balls

The ultimate Ice vs Lava challenge

who would win?
  • an iceberg large and durable enough to host an whole village and possibly more
0 voters

Magics are imitations of the actual thing, so flare magic would never be as powerful as actual solar flares. Light magic can’t go the speed of light for the same reason.

small issue:
solar flares dont do much to flesh and bone
they do do much against steel and wires, though

IRIS WAS BORN IN THE WRONG GENERATION FOR TERRORISM​:speaking_head::fire::rotating_light::fire::bangbang::bangbang::rotating_light::fire::rotating_light::bangbang::rotating_light::rotating_light::bangbang:
(Complete sentence)

more like born in the wrong universe
because arcane odyssey is a what if scenario

We don’t know if the AO universe discovers technology, they got like a good 20 years before the lightbulb is invented

counterpoint: technology is slowed by magic to the point where they have dark age technology in the 1950’s
why not 1850’s like the in game events? because its canonically confirmed that the arcane universe’s ‘year’ begins ~100 years after Jesus’ birth
yes, Jesus is canon in AO

lightning irl is 30,000 Cº if it was taken literally it would be deadly

fire is around 1100-1200 Celsius (orange flame)
and the shockwave of the explosions caused by explosion magic is probably already deadly enough

I was thinking about this last night, and I think that with sea travel being so high demand in an island civilization, the steam ship is bound to be invented in no time.

i believe there was something like either in or planned aa, or that metal boats are at least planned in ao

i believe there WAS steam and electricity (kill me if im wrong) in the seven seas
atleast until durza happened the second time

seeing as humanity lost about 300 years of technological advancement due to lost knowledge and destruction from the war against the Gods followed by another 400 years worth because of Durza’s big boom, I’d say they’re progressing fairly quickly seeing as they have ironclads

for that they first need to invent machinery, hell they need to first get the agroculteral revolution started before they even have enough manpower to have a chance at starting the industrial revolution