I dont know if this is late but here you go
you can check on the clash rates page linked on the trello
the important stuff is
iron claps flare 0.55
flare destroys snow 1.4
it’s clash rates are alright at best
I dont know if this is late but here you go
you can check on the clash rates page linked on the trello
the important stuff is
iron claps flare 0.55
flare destroys snow 1.4
it’s clash rates are alright at best
why is snow important if no one gives a fuck about snow
There are so many players who would gladly flip you off
I was talking about the biggest clash rate differences but ok
Just realized that this probably means some of the stuff there is wrong since if you look at Iron’s clashrates it beats Flare by 1.25.
I mean yeah some magics have weird clashrates like Fire and Ice both losing to each other at 0.75 (pretty sure I verified the logic of this via testing), but one magic losing 0.55 and the other winning 1.25 seems too odd to be intentional, realistically Flare would lose 0.8 since 1÷1.25 = 0.8.
Link for clashrates doc? So I can see this for myself.
EDIT: Forget this comment, I found it.
It’s just on Trello
i just found it either way forget my previous comment
Dang, Lost Magic already
I workout over piles of snow to pretend I’m snorting kid friendly nose sugar so watch your mouth, scumbag
bruh how has no one noticed that 0.9 shows up four times on the clash rate spreadsheet for flare, and the cells are all red except for the FIRST time 0.9 shows up for some weird reason
i checked the spreadsheet and it’s still like that
I noticed that too haha
The forums must be damn boring if we are talking about clash rates now
…or it’s because it’s the 1st lost magic.
When have clash rates been a topic, literally the most boring thing you could discuss, “damn! Flare shits on water! But gets bodied by iron!!” Like you can’t even debate on that since it’s written stats. An interesting forum post would be “what’s the best magic” etc, something you can actually discuss and debate
wow i am a whole week late for this fucking joke smh