Flex your grades, because why not?

Atleast school hours ain’t as long as it is in Asia.

I am so curious of what macobre is typing

I’m in Calc 1 and I know those terms but eh

Product and Quotient rule are used to find the derivative of a function iirc.

Product is like if you have 2a(x) you’d take the derivative of your first thing (2a) times your second and then add the derivative of your second thing (x) times the first thing (2a).

so like F(x)=f(x)*g(x) then F’(x)=f’(x)*g(x)+g’(x)*f(x)

Quotient rule is like that but when F(x)=f(x)/g(x) so you take f’(x)*g(x)-g’(x)*f(x)/g(x)^2

idk, I have like a 2 in that class

Bad calc

grades plummeted once online school rolled around
and people still think that online school is better

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Some teachers are just completely lost by the change and dont know how to respond properly so a lot of them are just being super lenient with work. It really depends on your situation but I agree online school is just worse in my case.

here’s a related rendition of what was basically my dad’s response to me getting a d in history

Okie, flex time ig

For this year’s JC1 (Basically grade 12 in the US system) overall results, I got into the 5th quintile (top 20% of results) for all 5 of my main subjects! (English, History, Math, Literature, Economics)

extra thing

ya boi got a 1st quintile score for his mother tongue language with a borderline pass but we dont talk about that here


Almost all A’s but the grade isn’t final yet since there’s still some days left


I’ll get to that stuff soon… (or have done it already and forgot) I am doing limits in Kumon rn.

Best in English award and Best writer award, not flexing my grades cause I got an F in Advanced Mathematics :sunglasses: :100:

:point_right:4.0 :point_left:

For those not in the U.S. this means I suck… :sunglasses:

As and Bs…
i need to study more.

Eh… passing

I’m highschool, not in 'merica, so I have no idea how I would calculate a GPA (because idk what it is exactly) or any system that would be familiar to everyone so these are the rules here:

  • grades are from 1 to 5
  • 1 is bad, meaning you failed, everything else is passing
  • you get a grade for a subject which is just the average of your grades from tests/assignments in that subject, and them have an average of those grades which is important

I have a total average of 4.92, I have only 13 subjects so that means I have a single 4 in Informatics and Computer science, which is a good average, but I was honestly expecting a bit less because I didn’t have the greatest start, as per usual.

I think online school had an impact on it.
We had half and half first, coming to school on one week and then being online the next, but later switched to fully online after we broke our daily cases record tenfold.
If it weren’t like that, and we went to school normally, I think my average would’ve been the same, but with different grades.

I think I would have had a 5 in Info, because even tho I did a stupid on a test, I would’ve gotten a better activity grade and probably done better on the later tests, which we haven’t done because we did less then we were supposed to because the switching from online to physical is stupid.

I would have probably gotten the same grades in physics, but since we didn’t have a “big test”, because doing one of those online would have everyone suspiciously get great grades with similar results, I would have probably gotten lower grades on it since those are notoriously hard from my new professor, and we only had “small tests” which are known as being ez, even tho our first one was kind of hard because he tried to replicate the format of our previous professor but just made it weird.

All A+ standard, except for my sporting classes. C+ for sport. Fuck me.
Lemme rephrase this:
My body is failing for playing too much roblox.

Im passing. That’s all I need to say bcs Idc about GPA since I’m already in college .-.

ive been declining this year, i got a 4 this year (OUT OF 10. NOT 5)

I have 4 A’s 1 A- and 1 B+ For the Semester overall

I’m a failure