Flex your inventories here

Send pictures of you inventory to flex.

I’ll Start.

11 headless heads and two July 4th items.

All these halloween items.

Enchanted Halloween Items.

41 boss drops and two sunken items. (Rest of sunken sets in alt)
And too many amulets to take pictures/gifs of…

i thought the first image was of unloaded items
(obviously i didnt do the halloween event)

I don’t trade so this may not seem like much but the sheer luck that I have from boss drops and enchants is astounding.

I also don’t trade since I feel like trading takes away the feeling of getting all the items yourself.
This includes the headless heads I farmed. I just used alts.

And your inventory is pretty stacked nice job.

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I haev boot and rust can


Holy shit


Go outside


Gonna report you for hacking

The 8 Level 50 poor knock back amulets I got from fishing.

in what way is this a solution?

TL0 moment


i have nothing

i can get the same power with 50 more defence this is a dumb flex

Because I’d rather have my sunken on my person at all times, it’s just a personal preference

its stupid