Flight conversion to sub and divination spots

Since the flight spells is gonna get removed(Vetex has made a realy good point for the reason) and everyone still want them, while trying to sleep i got an idea

This is me talking at 2am

Ima explain it better, the flight spell should become a spell that make you go faster underwater and make your oxigen bar larger, this is slower then boats by around 1/3 and its not worth using to move from island to island.

-Why would someone use this?
to get chests and events underwater
-it can be abused to run in the ocean.
it has a preparations just like the flight and if you get hit it stop.
-The fly its not a good way to move since its just a propulsion so you do nt have much control.
don t make it exactly like a flight so a propulsion that push forward the point you are aiming but something more controllable like with WASD.

About diving spots, now we have a way to explore under water now we need alot of things to do down there too so other then chests alone make some kind of puzzles, like the underwater maze, but randomly generated if possible and other fun activities.

The rest of the idea its up to you and vetex so write down here what its right ,what is wrong and obvs if you have more ideas i would like to know what you think.

making the sea not even a threat through a single spell? im against it HARD. even if it doesnt get you from one island to another, it can help you quite a bit

the sea should be a threat that you need to prepare for instead of using a single skill to basically negate all this

potions and such for underwater exploration was fine enough

obvs its high level not the first thing you get, and also this do nt make you invulnerable to sharks, maybe you can even make it that it attract more sharks.

sea should ALWAYS be a threat whether you’re high level or not. it doesn’t matter when you unlock it.

i really dont think people give a crap about sharks

i mean what else is the threat of the sea, lol drowning? if you have skills you can swim forever and what else just that you are a bit slowed down ?? not something so hard

oh drowning should kill you immediately
skills can be tweaked to make it so you can’t swim forever
more dangerous enemies then a fucking shark

white eyes goes brrrrrrrr

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