Flung to the floating point

What were you doing before bug occurred: fighting a criminal at cernunno, went to my boat to return to rill but I got banished to the Seven seas

Steps to reproduce: unsure

F9 Logs ( press f9 to view them in-game): none

Pictures/Videos: 8mb.video-cpx-sddyJodK - Embed

Shitty discord didn’t embed hold on

I remember this one

this happened to me yesterday, it occurs when you take the wheel under certain circumstances but like you said, don’t know exactly what circumstances

(double tap dodger spotted, cringe)

Double tap is og :sunglasses:

Tell me you’re a newgen without telling me

3rd gen, you’re an L

Just because you can’t move anywhere without accidentally dodging is not my problem :zzz:

erm acktually, you’re delaying your movements by 0.1 seconds every time you try to dodge which is a 10% movement efficiency decrease :nerd_face: if you don’t take advantage of every tiny benefit are you even playing arkane odyssey


Shift is better mainly because when I started playing AO my W key was all screwed up and would occasionally register a double tap when I didn’t want to

again that kind of sounds like a you issue and not a me issue

uhhhh well you see

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