For people wondering why PvP is disliked

i dont see the point… besides the only peoples ships i would want to blowup would just hunt me

Game is game

this was during 1.13, it was a 1v2



(we all were max level)

he tried to attack me solo and lost



after this he got banned


I really love the new goku meme we have for now : r/Dragonballsuper

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Yo somebody kill dersniperer007

No reason I just want him dead

Your average PVP ganker’s IQ is hovering just above Frostmill’s local forecast today.

Seriously, though. These idiots wonder why nobody likes them when they say crap like this. Literally flipping children who fully understand that losing isn’t fun, but RK anyways because the concept for basic decency and empathy eludes them.


thats crazy

Average PVP gankers, witchhunters and many more don’t know the concept of empathy.

Or consent at some times.

Literally had a guy trying to kill me say, “No means yes” when everyone in the area, including his clanmates, confirmed I said no to fighting him.

bro thought he had consent

It’s kind of funny how when I return their favor being a prick they cry about it and call their friends.

I had to use a power potion but It just made my day to ruin those guy’s day as I sank their ships, then cried about how I’m witch hunting a group of friends (It was just 2) and said I got reported to the mods lol.

I was particularly feeling devious that time.

nah this makes me feel shamed for being a pve’er

what is my man yapping about

I believe the main reason PVP is disliked is because the grand majority of the time pvp is forced upon players who are too busy doing something else. Also, those few seconds of the ganker surprise attacking the victim, doing tons of free damage to them, would also already win most of the time because of the immediate health disadvantage.

tldr; let me fish

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ye (for example someone uses piercing shot or quickdraw and charges it up to max and then we fight your already at a disadvantage, also you’re not mentally prepared bec ur focused on smth else)

this ^

Healthiest looking pvper

can we put that guy on a watchlist?

this is also the healthiest looking PVE Demon, trust me, i am a PVE Demon myself.

pretty sure its considered a sin to attack someone during a fishing session

you are executed by Calvus’s famous 500! 500! 500! damage pillar if you do this.

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