For the love of GOD, make it so posters clear at munera if both people dont have it

For the love of GOD, make it so posters clear at munera if both people dont have it
effort 0.0 0 quality 0.0 0 reasonability 0.0 0

title says it, im so tired of snakes waiting at munera to just gank people that just wanna 1v1, its so fucking annoying to lose 60K renown bc a gank os 2 shadow users and wood user decided to wait till u and ur opponent were low on hp to gank you, clear the god damn poster, if i dont have their posters, then their poster should be clear if we are at munera, easy as that

“bUt wHaT AbOUt pOstEr 1v1???” stop being lazy, go to sailor or silverhold, and take each other poster

this is such a pain in the mmmmmmmmm i dont think i can say that, or maybe i can, anyways, how did the game went from people having fun to 80% of the fanbase being tryhards metamancer thinking they are so call if they spam L and “cope”, budy the only one coping is gonna be you when the server is non-laggy

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yes you can say ass

we can say that i got a bit salty and had not so nice words said in discord when i spoke with my friends

go on say ass
do it

so the problem is that it makes it easy to flee to munera whenever you are being hunted
but i hate pvp so i dont really care

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no the problem is that at this point everyone is waiting at munera, watching people to 1v1, while having their poster and attacking them when they are low on hp

so many people wait at munera, hidden, to jump people with their poster or to gank them at munera, people fight more at ravenna than munera at this point, the balance team fucked up this so badly, god i hope they didnt fuck up the dark sea update meta (lets be real, there is gonna be a meta, now how unfair or annoying is to fight, that another thing)

say ass @A_friendly_Bear do it

ASS. happy?


Make it so you have to be at full HP and out of combat when you reach Munera
problem solved

so useful when u and the guy u pvp get jumped when u guys are so low on hp

they honestly wait till the airstall nerf XD
half the LB players will be crying

that still doesnt help when u and the guy u 1v1 are both on low hp and someone or a gank jumps you out of nowehre

I personally don’t care much about PvP, but something that hurts people who are being awful on purpose seems reasonable.

Poster snaking in munera wont matter anymore ngl since this will now exist in the dark sea update:

Not sure if it works in posters but hunting posters require kill credit just like how the moment you die to an npc while someone’s chasing you, the npc gets the kill credit

Tho all in all, having an area where it has poster immunity doesn’t sound like a good idea ngl, as waping pointed out, they’ll just flee to munera

This pretty much if it works how breaded said it could invalidates this suggestions main complaint (the renown). So either the gank squads try to gank you and the person you are fighting at close to full health or risk getting nothing.

so if you take 90% of your health in damage from a boss and a player kills you they don’t get fame or bounty because they don’t get kill credit the boss does.

Yeah, but the same system should work for players. Your fighting in Munera and you do 90% of someone’s HP and a gank squad appears and takes them out. You get the health from the kill and the renown that comes with it.

if your fighting at Munera there shouldn’t be any renown/bounty given.

You’d be correct if the entire island/arena area became a safe zone while out of combat. In which players who want to fight go to opposite parts of the arena and wait 10 seconds before initiating a fight.