Well for those who’ve actually been with WOM/AO for a long time there should be a title that comes with the badge of staying with the Forum and game for so long.
So after chilling with the Forum for a year you get the Veteran’s Badge and title of Veteran.
If you are a leader for a year you get the Distinguished Veteran’s Badge and title of Prestigous Leader or Distinguished Veteran
You already can get the Anniversary badge from being on the forum for a year, or the Devotee badge (and title) for visiting the forum every single day for an entire year.
I will think about this though. Doesn’t seem very necessary currently though when I could just hand out TL4.
Maybe it was only because there weren’t many others, but I was only Tl4 for a month before being promoted. This’ll probably come into play come TGR with more players, but if you’re a Leader for a year you might be inactive or something.