For those of you that ARE sticking around, what’s your reason?

So you know how a bunch of people are leaving because the game is still in it’s early stages? Yeah. Real sad.

But nobody is actually talking about the chads like us who are sticking around in WoM’s darker times.

My question is, what’s made you play WoM and continually enjoy it until now?

For me, it’s because I’m a guildmaster, so I can always chat with my friends and members, and hang out with them in game. The forums are also a big reason, because I want to maintain my regular status, and chatting to people is fun too.

So why are you guys still here?


Honestly, I’m only here to just take in the good part of the game and try to enjoy myself.
Fishing until I run out of bait, doing random quests, challenging random people to PvP, the norm. However I might take a hiatus from not only the game but ROBLOX in general due to how crappy my latency has been lately.


im staying cause i like this forum,and im staying in WoM cause how else am i gonna get ahead of everyone else?i only have two minotaur drops.i gotta catch up smh

even when im done,i will still stay,cause vetex is a human and he needs all the support he can get

I stick around for the community, and for the grind, I wanna be the very best like no one ever was

I’m staying in WoM PROVIDED that I have a constant stream of chances to pvp with people.

WoM is sorta boring due to a lack of content right now, that I agree. However, the pvp in this game is actually really fun for me and so far has not gotten stale at all. It’s basically the only reason why I still play WoM regularly rn.

Online school have sucked my right hand a lot especially with learning business shenanigans

Because I want to max all of save including my alt (12 saves) and that’s the only roblox game I can enjoy for now without that many disconnects is WoM, also I want to write a WoM based story comic , so playing WoM might also help me to come up with an idea

and because of Vesteria forum nostalgia to why I stick with this forum

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I’m mostly just chilling in the forums on occassion, ranting (or counter-ranting) here and there.

I do rejoin the game on occassion but when I say “occassion” I mean it. Grinding isn’t really fulfilling IMO now that you’re literally spending hours upon hours upon hours scouring the map for bosses or just fishing.

all of my best friends that played arcane with me has already leave the game, so im the only one left which is sad. however i still find wom to be quite enjoyable, even i find joy in fishing(and getting ganked while fishing). i’m not much of a pvp person but i still do pvp sometimes i prefer fighting someone randomly instead of practice in the arena dont get me wrong practicing pvp in the arena is still fun to me but i got bored after a couple of rounds. and yes i do genocide on bosses.

But I’m sure you make new friends :slight_smile:

Mainly sticking with the community and hop onto the game at times, again, I just do it to satiate my thirst for social interaction and my lowered attention span due to my degrading digital hygiene due to the strict quarantine in the country I live in.

Tracking bosses is really rewarding for how easy it is with a tracker, not really doing anything else currently. I did like fishing before but it’s pretty much useless and very demotivating if someone can do that 24/7 without even playing.

look AA wasn’t finished, i didn’t get through enough of it so i’m going through this journey before it’s over

also the forums is literally the only chill place where i can communicate, like most of the discord servers im in are chaos incarnate

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It’s because its a fun game. i just like playing it. it’s fun playing it with friends.

because i made the mistake of buying an animation pack


i’m staying because i LOVED AA and i’m a big fan of vetex
i will support his game no matter what by playing his game, i’m most certain the game will become one of the best in roblox

I just like playing the game mostly because of uhhh… the mass killings I can cause but we dont talk about that… ANYWAYS I honestly just like playing the game and its fun to see the chaos that can go on and I still need to get some weapons and armor because right now I would lose immedietly if I saw someone depending on how I always forget to block. Another thing is because of the forums and how friendly the people are in both forums and games

Who said I was staying :open_mouth:

For real, I’m mostly active on the forums. However, due to senior year and potential outcomes, I have my hand ready on the eject button from here–it’s just kind of difficult to press it.

Who knows though, maybe I’ll leave but come back swinging with amazing and improved artwork.

Sticking around for community and grind (boss raid parties aaaaaaa). I’m more active on the forum though hehe.

I most collect more sunken and boss drops, but when the guild update comes I’ll mostly be helping my guild get higher rating.

Sunken, Heavy WOJ. Vetex’s handsomeness