For Those who have unduped headlesses


For those who have unduped headlesses, what is the minimum amount of halloween seasonals you would sell your headlesses for, and if you can give a general amount of what seasonals you would want that’d be awesome, its all theoretical

Just imagine that you had more than 1 headless and it didn’t have your name on it, and you weren’t holding onto it for sentimental reasons

Ok so, here’s the funny:
I am never trading it.

maybe add an option for this cause im sure i aint the only one



you edited it, yes :+1:

yes so what would be the amount under those conditions

i dont really do trading so id probably just give it to a friend who doesnt have it

There is absolutely nothing I would trade it for in the current game.
Nothing in the game will gain value like it will so I’m waiting for something that would take me a long time to get otherwise.
(long time being weeks-months)

if i were to trade my headless id say maybe around 100 seasonals of varying values or so (not trading it though bc it has my own name)

Just imagine that you had more than 1 headless and it didn’t have your name on it, and you weren’t holding onto it for sentimental reasons

In that situation I’d do exactly the same thing except more.
I’m not holding onto it for the name of for sentimental reasons.

I’m holding onto it because I know, if it is never added back as a seasonal item ever, it will hold incredible value and that value will only raise.

you can dupe them???

im not sure, maybe 100+ seasonals

im saving the headlesses for the far future (ancient magic scrolls/legendary weapons/legendary armor)

I dont really care about trading but atleast 100
probably would turn down a trade of only seasonals though since I want stuff I can actually use (like legendary stuff or other really rare items)

There’s nothing worth a headless atm, so prob nothing.

if I had an extra, still wouldn’t trade, nothing in this game has any value comparable

please stop harassing me with borderline dupes 8 strong sunken swords for my headless you “traders” are some of the most suspicious people in AO

i’d say around 60-70 seasonals, that’s enough value to get another if i wanted to

85-90 seasonals

would be less if i could find people who wont scam me when i try to buy their headless but since its such a hassle its 85-90

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