Forgotten adventures world map

In the future I’m planning to make specific maps for each of the continents/group of islands, specifying nations, rivers, important cities, etc. For Magius I will try to follow the already made map to make it as lore based as possible, same with the war seas once all the map has been revealed (will probably not make the specific region map for the war seas until its fully revealed in the game)

also Im definetly not studying cartography


only if ao was this big i would explore the entire places and learn

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This looks so well done

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the map if the world fully recovered from magic pollution

Nice map bro :poggers2:

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Honestly, if this map was reconstructed into the game, I would explore every corner of it. Furthermore, it also puts my mind at ease as it helps me imagine the adventure of my main AO/WoM OC whose adventure is about finding ways to return back to his hometown in Magius and gathering support for his clan along the way to triumph over the AO big bad residing in the same place. I have completely abandoned him now and no longer believe I can write a story now. Nevertheless, thank you for giving the community an idea of what the Arcane Universe look like.


thanks man, really appreciate it :+1:

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Now I wonder if there’s gonna be battle between the Grand Navy and the Magic Council?