Classification - O-03-10
Risk Level - Aleph
Qulitoph - 5
“Show me what you’re capable of, manager.”
Success Chance
Special Ability - Depending on the Qulitoph number, it will change how the employee interacts with it, if the employee is level 5 and the Qulitoph is level 5, the beginning of the test is successful. If the employee it level 4 and the Qulitoph is 5, the Qulitoph drops to 4 and the test is unsuccessful, causing effects.
Attachment - 50% Successful
Instinct - 50% Successful
Insight - 50% Successful
Repression - 50% Successful
Good Mood Range - 10 - 20
Bad Mood Range - 1 - 9
Damage Type - Varies on employee used during different qulitoph numbers and damage types
Abnormality Details
Ability - A large sword is dragged and cut through the ground, releasing particles in the room for 60 seconds, dealing damage type of ???
Ability - It crouched down and swinged its heavy sword, dealing 100-300 damage of ??? type
Ability - It stanced and lunged at the employee it front of it, dealing 50 - 100 damage of ???
Ability - Similar to Big Bird, it raised its hand up and attracted 1-5 employees towards it.
Ability - Abnormality turned bright and disappeared after 25% of it’s health was gone, when it was transferred into a new room, it exploded the entire layer it was in into flames, dealing 50 red damage to all sources.
Damage Type - ???
Attack speed - Slow
Range - Medium
Resistances -
- Red Resistance - 0.5 Resistance
- White Resistance - 0.5 Resistance
- Black Resistance - 0.5 Resistance
- Pale Resistance - 0.5 Resistance
Health - 8,000
There’s a lake that sits on top of the containment unit with a sword under it calmly, the sword pommel being the shape of a an actual mini-sized star.
When it released, it was a “human” mainly comprised of solar-ish flames slightly hutched down, dragging a large sword of metal behind it.
Managerial Tips 1
When the work result was bad on the select work, the Qulitoph dropped and released a wave of energy throughout the facility, causing problems for the entire facility.
Managerial Tips 2
When the work result was good, it benefited the entire facility depending on the work used and increased the qulitoph.
Managerial Tips 3
The abnormality released when work result was bad with repression.
Managerial Tips 4
Everytime there was a meltdown level 2+, the qulitoph count dropped permanently to the next number. (Can be reseted with an abnormality suppression)
Managerial Tips 5
Depending on the work used, it benefitted or caused trouble for the facility in various ways.
Managerial Tips 6
When a meltdown occured, there was a much higher chance for this abnormity to be selected, the pommel star color changed and required you to use specific work type or face consequences.
- Dark Yellow - Instinct
- Bright Neon Yellow - Insight
- Brownish - Attachment
- Blue star - Repression
Managerial Tips 7
When instinct/insight failed, it lowered all employees red/white Resistance by +0.1 and abnormalities by -0.1 and weakening red/white shields
When instinct/insight was successful, it raised all employees red/white resistance by -0.1 and abnormalites by +0.1
Managerial Tips 8
When bad Mood with attachment, it lowered the Qulitoph of all abnormalities by 1
When Good Mood with attachment, it raised the Qulitoph of all abnormalities including exceeding max by 1+ (Max of 2 times)
Managerial Tips 9
When work was bad with repression, the abnormality released and immediately caused a second trumpet, requiring quick suppression.
When Good Mood with abnormality, it gave higher justice for the rest of the day and slightly higher ego obtainment
Managerial Tips 10
When the abnormality was under a meltdown, it received -10% Work Success and stacked the Qulitoph Overload until the work was finished
Suit (Sanctuary)
Appearance - An armour full of cartoony stars and hands that pop out of it.
Resistance -
- Red Resistance - 0.2 Resistance
- White Resistance - 0.4 Resistance
- Black Resistance - 0.6 Resistance
- Pale Resistance - 1 Resistance
Special Ability - The resistance can chance depending on what your latest work-type was, if your latest work was Repression (First) and Attachment (Second), then Pale will receive the 0.2 resistance and red becomes 1, Black becomes 0.4 and white becomes 0.6
Weapon (Sanctuary)
Appearance - An iron sword with a mini-sized star as it’s pommel.
Damage - 10 Red Damage
Attack Speed - Fast
Range - Medium
Special Effect - Puts a flame onto the abnormality you’re attempting to suppress, this flame deals ??? 2 damage every 0.2 seconds
Gift (Sanctuary)
Appearance - Olive Wreath
Effect - 5+ in every stat
Special Effect - When gift is used with the full set of armor, it passively heals nearby employees and clerks in health and sanity, however the gauge gains 2 more points if the employee works in a department + 10 justice
“Did it come from the sky?”
“What did it do to those?”
“What did it wipe?”
“Who was scared to face it?”
“Who was the bravest to interact?”
“Who was the one with common sense?”
“Who followed the rules?”