Forum Curses 2: Prometheus’ Arena

Literally a horror chase scene as Bio said

first of all, glitch curse comes with a free infinite energy cheat
second of all, you were not gonna hit me with a kamehameha, you were gonna hit me with an energy volley, and that does not do shit
third of all, sure, you’re more defensive but it’s hard to hit or even track a glitch.

Yeah sorry I’m still giving TAITC the funny cheat for at least a bit longer.

Wouldn’t a curse which is completely focused on teleporting opponents to an inescapable void outweigh general spatial manipulation?

Inescapable void is still a point in some kind of space

How am I being beaten for additional effects when I have FOUR counting into my weapon (three without it)

(blinding, burning, stun, paralyze)

Also, for offensive did everybody discard the fact that my guy just learned how to crate a giant blinding light bomb and fling it somewhere? How I can destroy the supercomputer with my lightning shock item?

Also, the whirlpool. What the.

For people not in the discord


A spirit trident created by Typ imbued with the flesh of Level


Signature: Avolition - Drains an enemy’s willpower on hit due to the will of Typ

Duplication - Typ infused a peculiar spirit energy that can’t remain restless and will duplicate similar to how Typ can create infinite weapons based on will

Explosions - Can explosively propel itself and explode midair

Reflex Bypass - Being made of Typ’s sheer willpower, this trident can harm all curse users

Poisonous - Can severely poison an enemy

then i will simply dodge for all time and we will be here forever

Me when rebar and storm have equal terrain advantage in a sandstorm

i probably couldn’t cancel the teleport, but i might be able to just teleport right back

guys please i am BEGGING you

You got me there.

me, who could make so many different drugs from the chemicals in the air:

bro HOW (what’s stopping me from making a water shield)

Round 2 End

These Participants are moving on to the next round:

  • sock
  • Percival Booth
  • Lettuce
  • Typ
  • Level
  • Eium
  • Divanochi

End of Round 2 Announcement

Pls read my epk writing of time

Awesome Vs Tammy

The caverns were pitch black. Although Tammy couldn’t see much, they could feel that they were standing upon a precipice which hung over the spikes of rock below.

In the distance below a small orb of light appeared.

It had been less than an hour since they entered the caves, and Tammy had already located their opponent.

“Awesome!!!” They shouted.

The light dimmed.

Tammy A. Indie Turvingham Corner the Fourth glitched through the ground and leapt effortlessly to the floor. They drew their blade and ran towards where the light was.

“I wasn’t expecting to meet you again. I guess that the two worlds really are similar.”

The voice of Awesome spoke through the darkness.

“We’ve never met, Glitch Curse user.”

Tammy laughed. “Oh, of course you don’t remember. You look exactly like the Inferno Curse user. It’s a shame that here you’re so weak.”

A bolt of energy flew to the ceiling of the cave. Large shards of rock cascaded down, one hit the Glitch Curse user’s arm, leaving a cut and warping it slightly.

The rest of the rock phased through her body as if it was nothing.

“It’s true.” She said calmly as Awesome began to run.

“You let that old fool manipulate you once, abandon you to your demise, and now you’re back again, letting them take the better of you.”

“Who are you talking about?”

“Stop running already Awesome… you can’t defeat me and you know it.”

The Energy Curse user continued to dash in the dark, only avoiding tripping by sheer luck and instinct. They occasionally attempted to launch bolts of energy backwards, however each would either miss or disappear in a flash of numbers.

“I’d be willing to let you join me if it wasn’t for your cowardice. Do not try to escape your fate.”

Tammy threw a couple slashes forwards when they believed that they were close to their opponent, yet they still missed as well.

Eventually they got bored of the chase decided that their only choice was to end it quickly. Less pain and overall an easier option. Tammy glitched before Awesome’s face and swiftly pierced their heart with the Binary Sword. Awesome began to corrode, more violently than the Sacrifice Curse user did, turning into the same volatile sludge, which Tammy absorbed.

The announcement rang across the caverns. “The winner of the fifth battle of the second round is Tammy A. Indie Turvingham Corner the Fourth!!”

However as the Administrators searched for their victor, they were nowhere to be found.

Tammy had already disappeared.

The Next Step

Tammy A. Indie Turvingham Corner the Fourth is disqualified for leaving the arena unaccounted for. This means the next person in line to fight her will get a free pass.

This call was heard by all remaining participants, giving many a reason to sigh with relief, even as they cleaned their hands stained with blood from their most recent killing.

Now this is a chance for another Lore Moment, which will last a similar amount of time to the previous one. Same rules apply - ping me with questions. Remember that the Lore Moment isn’t needed for your character to progress to the next stage however it will give buffs in the final battle against the mystery BBEG.


Typ is starting to warm up to everyone. This could be a chance to make a Memory.

Memories will give a large buff in the final battle. Same rules as last Lore Moment apply for Typ0 writing it as well.

Now, a message from the old mentor character to our protagonist style curse wielder.

“This… isn’t the first.”

Lore Moment 2 Begin


Round 3 Start

The seven remaining participants looked at each other nervously before the bloodshed returned.

Due to Tammy being eliminated the Administrators hired a really underpaid intern who has a very similar generic structure to Level before the Unity Curse. They have given the intern a gun and told them to fight a magical bug man to the death to cover the disqualified participant.

How? Idk they just did.

Lore moment will not close during rounds anymore.

Do they have a curse?

Battle One

Warrior 1 - Percival Booth, The Storm Curse, Stormbreaker Axe .

Warrior 2 - sock, The Spatial Curse, Tungsten Stakes.

The Amphitheater of Nîmes. - Extreme Heatwave/Drought

Offensive Capabilities
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Defensive Capabilities
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Additional Effects
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Terrain Advantage
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Weaponry Choice
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Plot Armour
  • 1
  • 2

0 voters

Nope. But Level won’t be revived by the Unity curse because there is nothing then intern can do that Level cannot so there’s nothing to steal.