it’s a regular elevator, you can enter it and progress to floor 49 or 48.

probably should hold off on that for now.

you manage to damage the door significantly, maybe your curse can finish it off in one more throw?

can i see what stuff is inside them?

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 17

roll a 1d20 to enhance image quality

@discobot roll 1d20

the door glitches and opens.

inside is a janitor’s closet with cleaning supplies, nothing too crazy at first

you notice a crumpled picture of someone’s family, as well as a small device that catches your attention sitting together on one of the shelves in the closet.

that device is a tiny little orblike object remniscent to a bakugan

:game_die: 7

…womp womp.

I take a better look at the photo, then pick up and inspect the little ball.

the family photo is a human with 1 kid and 1 woman who’s presumably his wife.

the ball itself seems somewhat unassuming, and there’s no obvious way to activate it.

you also see another pic of the same human guy with an alien looking big-eared humanoid together at a bar, with “CRAZIEST PARTY EVER!!! 2018” written in silver sharpie underneath

Hi everyone since Apolo is almost definitely about to f*cking die am I allowed to change my character


bitch how are you pickpocketing the inside of an absurdly large backpack

anyways, I loot everything in the giftstore and take those glowing binoculars, and now that I got off the phone with Max, typ what does the laptop do Max just told me

-already taken by @SkyRocket


Fine, I walk down a hall, what does it look like

which way? left, right, or forwards from the first elevator?
