you guys are on the next elevator to the next parts of the facility

do you wanna travel to 49 or 48

  • 49 (more loot)
  • 48 (more progression)
0 voters

we’re at an elevator and choosing between either floor 49 or floor 48, we know 49 is a bar

“Maybe I’ll find some new skin to add to my collection…” *My character is fucking weird not unlike their curse (skin).

well there is a ton of dead bodies on the floors way later down the line… if you’re interested in that

please don’t skin the corpses of the employees that worked here

I’ll take the skin of the former CeO if present
Also I wouldn’t skin them I would seperate their corpses from the amalgamaous blob of skin that I compress into… a fun bouncy ball. yay!

I don’t think any of the founders are present on-site

Okay but like were any of the workers… racist? Can I search the corpses for evidence of racism, sir?


How about you just, don’t skin anybody. ok???

it’ll just make a bigger mess for the sanitary crew if this facility is recovered :sweat:

Fine. But if I happen to stumble across the dead people being racist, I will make a bouncy ball of flesh

When in doubt use a bucket

yea ok whatever good luck with that

You see, the Skin Curse is not discriminatory with the type of skin being used. Thus, the user adopts the trait of anti-racism, which when combined by the brutality and weirdness of flesh control; causes them to want to skin racists for their bouncy ball collection!

can you just not fucking skin the employees dude

how the hell are you going to tell if a corpse had any bias towards anyone they’re fucking dead

now before I glitch you out into the void, sit tight and don’t get any weirder ideas.

I replace my own skin with whale shark skin (it has the consistency of rubber and is 10cm thick) and add an extra layer of skin to my neck (big weakness)

I look like shit but I’m tactically sound


No loot for me :frowning:

oh that’s actually a cool way to use skin magic

well uh, enjoy being part whale I guess?

man we’re really taking fursuits to a new level with this

me, who can also skin the employees and has a basically better skin curse

I’m gonna need to figure out a way to nerf your curse a bit

am i allowed to play as a completely different character if my curse gets too nerfed