I think the easiest way to nerf your curse would to just require all your rolls needing to meet more high numbers

or you’ll need to roll a certain combination of dice and depending on the average of those die I’ll decide what happens next

i dont know honestly, although i would be weak against robots

alright everyone, floor 49 it is.

it’s a huge recreational area that has all kinds of fun things to explore

where do you go?


Right still ought to be the right choice, so right I go.

You find yourself in what looks to be an arcade area with various games, they all still seem to be operational, and while some of these games look familiar, a lot of them are in languages you’ve never seen before.

there’s also a prize counter with similar cheesy merch to the gift shop.

care to keep looking around?

Do any of the games catch my interest? Apart from them being in strange languages, that is.

i head upstairs

-A dance machine with an anime girl bouncing around on the screen, there seems to already be some credits in it

-A shooter game that looks like it takes place in some kind of zombie apocalypse, you notice there’s some kind of weird opalescent ooze drenching it from bottom to top and yet it doesn’t seem to be malfunctioning

-A rather disturbing looking claw machine at the very corner of the area with loads of “DO NOT PLAY” signs surrounding it, as well as:


-A wack-a-mole machine that uses some strange looking alien animals, the machine isn’t written in English either.

-A weird looking machine that is entirely in another language and seems like something straight out of a sci-fi movie.

-A stranded backpack.

You find yourself to lots of tables and what looks to be like some kind of food court.


as you explore the area, you notice some of these restaurants serve foods you’re pretty certain don’t originate from this world…

I check the backpack.

It contains a soapy romance novel and a card.


there’s also a water bottle, and a stuffed toy of what looks to be like a video game character.

you can hear what sounds like someone… or something… banging on a window.

upon further inspection, you realize that sound is coming from the zombie machine.

can i look at some of the menus

I take everything in the backpack and skedaddle back the way I came before the slime in the zombie machine gives me alien cancer on top of hallucinations.

There’s the normal food like burgers, noodles, sushi, pizza, salads, etc etc, but then you come across dishes which have names you can’t really even pronounce.

Walking down the restaurant options, there’s one booth that sticks out to you in particular as it has a photo of what looks like another location of the same franchise, though what’s odd is how the person in this picture isn’t a human nor are they a big eared alien

they look like a monstrosity

something akin to that of the beast from carrion, and an atlantean from the dark sea, despite this horrendous outwards appearance, their singular, cyclopean eye glimmers with a gentle innocence to it

“Don’t forget to bring the groceries inside. -U”

Welp, you’re out of the arcade.

you thought you could feel a very spiteful presence from behind you for a few seconds.

what would you like to do now?

i’ll try left downstairs now

it’s a very luxurious looking bar.

shockingly… someone’s sleeping on one of the barstools!

they look absolutely wasted though.

i try and wake them

upon closer inspection, you realize… you’ve come face to face with the aliens that seem to be prominent in this facility.

they have grey skin and large ears, though beyond that they wear normal human clothing and don’t look too dangerous.

also, they’re drooling all over the table as they lightly clasp onto a bottle of what looks to be some sort of wine.