peculiar, but i still wake them

They seem to be unable to be woken up, heavily drunk, and totally out of reality.

however, they start mumbling something in their intoxicated haze.

“mmgm… burp… don’t… wake… me… I don… want… deal with… typ… hiccup


“sc…hli’zak burg…er…”

“yummy leaves…!”

There’s a lot of stuff being the bar if you are willing to loot the place for alcoholic drinks

i radio mr thorne to tell him that i’ve found someone still in the facility and ask if i should escort them out

“Say what? someone’s in the facility still?”

“Can you get me their ID on their card? I can search up who they are from my database access.”

“It shouldn’t be too hard to get them out of there thankfully, since you’re only on floor 49.”

do they have a card on them?

As you try to reach for their ID card, they seem to slowly start waking up.

“mmmggpphh… urk… Who’ruurrr yuu… toil…et…???”

(this is probably what they look like)

“You’re awake. This facility’s been compromised, it’s not safe to be here anymore. Can I see your ID card?”

“Oh… Eye…Dee? ok… burp ho…mun… I’m gi…ve… you-”

they collapse immediately on the floor absolutely piss drunk.

their ID card clatters across the floor and lands near a metal vent grate.

i pick it up and tell mr thorne their id

before you can grab the ID… you suddenly get a shock of coldness.

the hairs on your body spike upwards as your fight and flight reflexes begin to go absolutely haywire.

You realize no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to scream for help.

A static haze soon replaces the deafening silence that’s been brought upon you.

the world around you goes gray, time slows down to a stop.

a voice, echoes from the grate.

“…Hello there”

“…What a day huh?”

yea i’m bubbling myself with a shield

“…heh… that shield won’t do you much good.”

You suddenly see a bunch of tendrils appear from the vent, that look like grey, smooth vines with colorful, vibrant stripes on them, a stark contrast to the colorless atmosphere you currently reside in.

the tendrils tear down your shield effortlessly.

“I won’t hurt ya, but I’ve come to ask you a question.”

“How would you handle isolation?”

“What is this, what are you?”

i try and raise my defence while asking it this

“I’m nobody, nobody you should h4ve to feasibly worry about for now…”

their voice seems to have almost glitched out there for a second.

“This facility isn’t what it seems, as cliche as it sounds.”

“You’ve already seen quite a lot, witnessing kumuian culture for the first time is probably a bit disorienting”

“It’s going to get so much stranger the deeper you go”

“I ask you this question as I fear there may be some… unexpected bumps in the road later down the line… heh…”

the static haze seems to quietly agree with the voice.

“Does that mean we’ll have to worry about you later? I’d prefer if we could complete this mission without any interference.”

what directions haven’t been travelled yet? I’ll go down one of those. (I am also going to go sleep now)

forwards is still free

Can we get out of here. Not a fan.

but i can also MAKE skin too