Are you affecting the room to look like this place? Did you teleport me into this place? Is this place an illusion?

“I don’t really think I can tell you that.”

The void is silent.

It’s clear you aren’t in the facility anymore.

In fact, you might not even exist anymore.

“But why worry? here, have a snack.”

A stick of beef jerky appears in front of you.

Thanks. Another question: Are you Smug, or the sentient mass of pure Prisma?

“I don’t affiliate with… those things…”


“Typ is if anything, nothing more than a troublemaker in my eyes.”

“That smug creature is even lesser, I’m not even sure if it’s sentient.”

“Oh dear… it seems our time is running low.”

“Well, it was a good chat, I’ll see you around.”

Suddenly, you reappear in floor 47.

You obtained a jerky stick, a corrupted photo, and corrupted audio.

Damn, I was gonna take out the teddybear to see if anything prisma related works there

I think I head back to the elevator (assuming we don’t need to find some second one to continue onwards), enough exploring for now

Now would be a good time for everyone to head to the next elevator

I’ll wait for everyone to reply so we can group up a bit

You exploded into a million pieces…

just kidding, you just can’t access that forklift.

for some reason Chek feels like turning on the laptop real quick

nothing happened.

your hands feel cold.

I put it back in to cool the rest of the soda I still have

actually I turn it on again one more time

nothing happened.

your hands feel cold.

Well then I search the doors for any one that might require that keycard I got


(you can’t ride the forklift, might be a good time to go back to the elevator with the new arm you got)

i was talking about locks to other doors not the forklift…

oh… whoops.

it doesn’t seem like that card is very useful here anyways…

but FINE i go towards the elevator since you really want me to… :pouting_cat: grah :pouting_cat:

i want to go to warmwater

i’ll head back then