can i go to skyrocket and check the 2nd door

Can I press the nearest button


Apolo rolls his eyes. “I suppose you have a point. Also, yeah sure your new arm is cool.”

I’ll try and clear up the left path manually. My curse may not do much but muscles surely would, right?
@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 10

Guess you could say his arm had changed

I try and find someone with an appropriate curse to help remove the rubble.

I can help with that

Is there anyone else

I mean can’t you just use your skin to move away some of the rubble?

Good point. Gonna giant mage hand throw the rocks back (not at Syk I pinky promise) :speaking_head::fire:

Literally what the hell did I do to you

No idea what you all do but Imma watch

If the rubble is a bunch of primarily rock, then I should easily be able to move with the curse of launching rocks really fast. Do I have to roll for that?

@DubiousLittleTyp0 can I hit players

unless you want to face consequences against others then no you can’t

ok giv nxt rom

read the thread omg :sob:

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I use my curse to go through the cracks in the rubble