Forum Curses: The Second Act

This is an intense battle of “nuh uh” Vs. “yuh huh”

yeah guys go help your guys please
everyone is completely screwed apart from like Rebecca and Jordan who could probably pull it off solo
you can catch up to the horse later, just avoid the cultists’ heavy guns.

i am here!!
is steven go/jo’d when i get there or is he okay

he’s doing alright. Luckily The Cold isn’t very perceptive so he’s just hiding.

nah I aint, just need some luck

Max got that dawg in him

i do the craziest combat roll ever and join him in hiding

the roll was SICK! so awesome, even The Cold saw it!

roll another to dodge a magic blast

i’m playing astroneer with my bro so i’m gonna be afk for a bit

So anyway did I finally get to the boss 1 or at least soke up?

yeah you uh manage to avoid and hide with Steven. Congrats.

Calypso hasn’t taken you anywhere

Oh well so I gotta wait anyway

How do I get back to Myles from my current location in Tartarus

Gimme a moment imma have Calypso drag him to the nearest safe area before waking him up

“Alright, GPS! Work your magic!”


“…Isn’t that just the nearest police station?”

Looks like it’s your last chance to leave the cult

mama didnt raise no quitter infact she didn’t even raise me

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