Forum Curses: The Second Act

The Ultimate Flashbang

fine it dies
guys this whole encounter was supposed to take like a day and you’d just call in some friend to airstrike and we could move on
okay everyone is off to Scotland

not very well designed “boss” when you need to rely on some other guy to instantly clear it

anyways how the heck am I meant to get to Scotland, I kinda need an airlift for that

Alright, who’s the least likely to kill Warm while still being able to reach Scotland in a reasonable time?

probably sock and their imagination given that sock can’t fly

There’s your answer.

Alr I’ma carry Myles’s unconscious ass with me

Congratulations, you’ve summarised this entire chapter.

wait what

Im on a roadtrip to kill Lucky rn, almost got to the place

@Randomness Can I apply for Apolo to have a unique title? Y’know like how Levi’s Ashen Hill and stuff

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“Apolo Caelum The Black”

you can have a title but
it has to be an AO deckhand title

Okay nvm then

Nah it was gonna be

“Apolo Caelum, The Voidweaver”

Ladnas… the fruitloops muncher…

To Scotland

Those who can fly have made it up to Scotland and have located the Cold. You are far from the Horse but save your four fire wielding friends first (they will be screwed against this thing)
whomever wants to attack it, state your attack and roll a d20. Anything above 12 hits. No funny business. Hit it ten times total to kill it.

i summon a cloud of ice picks to swarm the cold

Just saying Lucky probably murdered all the other cultists in the car by now and is driving to where the actual horse should be

Investigation roll to track down the horse
I track down Gabriel instead

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